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Lyonette Louis-Jacques

Page history last edited by ichaljhe 12 years, 8 months ago


About Me


I am a law librarian specializing in foreign, comparative, and international legal research resources.  I am fascinated by global legal information networks (people, databases, social media) and enabling technologies. I used to maintain Law Lists, a guide to electronic discussion groups related to law librarianship, libraries, and law.  I keep an orphan version on the Net, just in case, but the time for lists, as for Elves, has passed (except for a few very good ones such as the INT-LAW list!).


Web 2.0


I contribute to my law library's blog here.  I author several "mostly dead" blogs (my favorite is the Books Are Dead blog - I really should explore the dead theme more) and I tweet.  I could also be Flickr'ing if I remember to.  I am on several social networking technology (SNT) sites, listed at the Law Libraries and Librarians Ning network.  


AALL Groups


I participate actively in the FCIL-SIS, and try to attend CS-SIS events too.  I'm a joiner, so I'm also a member of 8 other SISes.  I am a member of the Black Law Librarians Caucus.  I attend the Latino Law Librarians Caucus meeting and Baile at AALL.  I try to stop by the Native American Caucus meeting.  I used to try to attend the business meeting and dinner of the Asian American Law Librarians Caucus and the BLLC, but it's been hard to do in the past decade or so...:-) And I think I'm on the Gen X Gen Y Caucus forum.  I usually attend the reception for attendees from abroad hosted or co-hosted by the FCIL SIS and the International Association of Law Libraries (IALL) at the AALL annual meeting.


AALL 2009


I am trying not to wait until the last minute to arrange to go to AALL in D.C.  So far, I have a very preliminary schedule at ScheduAALL (y'all might need to register and log in to see my Public Profile).  I will need to clone myself by July to make it to everything!


My Personal Gadget List

(inspired by @pcbrannon (who demoed gadgets at the AALL Activities Table at another meeting), David Pogue's 2008 Gadgets List, and @mak506)


Ebook reader:  Kindle 2

Camera:  Lumix (Panasonic DMC-FS20, 10 mega pixels)

Cellphone:  need a new one!

Computer:  Laptop - Dell Inspiron E1405; Desktop - Dell Dimension 4700

Gaming console:  Wii (and Wii Fit, but I'm trying to forget that...:-))

Movies:  suggestions needed!

Music:  80 GB iPod

Storage: USB drive - 2GB Toshiba, a Westlaw giveaway

Kata-kata Mutiara
Kata-kata Indah
Ramalan Jodoh
Ramalan Cinta
Ramalan Bintang
Kata-Kata Bijak
Kata-Kata Cinta
Cell Phone Reviews
Diamond Engagement Rings
Washington Hotels
Kata-Kata Romantis
Anisa Chibi
Harga Nokia
Cerita Lucu
Contoh CV
Kata-Kata Motivasi
Kata-Kata Lucu
Kata Mutiara Persahabatan
SMS Lucu
Puisi Cinta
SMS Cinta
Cherry Belle

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