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DC Tips

Page history last edited by pixelman 12 years, 10 months ago

If you have any information about getting around in Washington, DC and the local area, share it here!


1. The DC Metro has different rates for different distances and times of day.  The metro requires users to insert the fare card twice: once at the beginning of the trip, and again before exiting, so make sure you don't throw away your farecard once you've entered the system. 


2. Washington, DC is a very walkable city; though some areas may not be safe after dark, most of the city south of the convention center is interesting and easily traversed on foot. The city's street naming system centered on the U.S. Capitol, of lettered streets running East & West, and numbered streets running North & South, can keep you oriented. Wikipedia has an article on the naming system to confuse you further.Harga Blackberry


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Comments (3)

Victoria Kahn said

at 9:51 am on Apr 22, 2009

Our Metro (aka The Subway) is a great way to get around town. To make your trip(s) go faster, buy a farecard with enough money for a round-trip. That way, you won't have to stop and buy another card for your trip back. Also, *don't* buy the $5 card! It is non-refundable and is really meant for us local commuters to use every day.

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