
B1: Emerging from the Cocoon (Sunday at 3:00)

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B1: Emerging from the Cocoon: Innovative Ways to Re-teach Legal Research to Externs and Summer Associates


About Our Program

We hope to dispel some of the myths of legal research training as well as provide useful tips for creating in-house training programs. Dragomir Cosanici (LSU Law Center) will highlight legal research in law schools, as well as focus on legal research training outside the traditional classroom. Abigail Ross (Keller and Heckman) will describe how summer associates are reintroduced to basic research concepts at a law firm amid the “orientation” to the firm environment. Barbara Gabor (WilmerHale), our moderator, will also discuss training options in multi-office firms and share thoughts on working with summer associates in offices where there are no librarians. Holly Lakatos (CA Court of Appeal, 3d in Sacramento) will describe how externs in a court are trained and the benefits of providing self-paced learning opportunities using online technology. Speakers will touch upon generational issues, use of online materials vs. traditional materials, Web 2.0 tools, and student learning styles. At the end, we will have an audience discussion.

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Contact Information


Holly Lakatos (coordinator & panelist)

California Court of Appeal, Third Appellate District


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Dragomir Cosanici (panelist)

Louisiana State University, Paul M. Hebert Law Center



Barbara Gabor (moderator & panelist)




Abigail F. Ellsworth Ross (panelist)

Keller and Heckman LLP



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