
Anne Myers

Page history last edited by Muhammad Tsani 12 years, 4 months ago

I am the Serials Librarian at Yale Law Library.  I'm more likely to tweet than blog at #aall2009 but ya never know.  I'm also hoping/planning to get into the Flickr pool for the conference.  SIS Affiliations:  ALL-SIS, CS, OBS, PLL, and TS.  Equal opportunity SISing. 


My very preliminary schedule


July 24 (which is my birthday)

Arrive in DC - staying at the Renaissance.


Saturday July 25

9:00 - 12:00  AALL Webmasters workshop (I haven't been invited yet but expect to attend)

12:00-8:00    Free time to explore unless I forgot a meeting

8:30-10:30pm - Opening Reception


Sunday July 26

7:00-8:00       ALL-SIS Breakfast & Business Meeting

9:00-10:00     Exibit Hall/coffee break

10:15-11:45   Keynote Speaker:  Jonathan Zittrain

12:00-1:15    CS Roundtable for Web 2.0 challengers

1:30-2:45     A6:  Here Today, Gone Tomorrow? The future of print periodicals in Law Libraries

3:00-4:00     B2:  Success for the Future: Creating and Implementing a Library Succession Plan

4:15-5:15     C3:  Latest Trends in Library automation  (maybe)

5:30 -6:30     Continuing Professional Education Committee meeting


Monday July 27

7:30-8:30     Annual Meeting Program Committee Meeting

8:45-9:45     D1: I Want my Web 2.0!  or D5: Managing Employees Across Generations

10:00-10:30  E5:  Working Smart: Innovative Ways to do more with your day

12:00-1:15    Annual Meeting Program Committee Open Forum

2:15-3:45      AALL business meeting

5:30-6:30     OBS-SIS Business Meeting Monday



Tuesday July 28

7:00            CS-SIS Breakfast and Business Meeting

9:00-10:30    Exhibit hall time

10:45-11:45  I1: Unfair Publishing Practice?  Who'se to Stop Them?  Superlawlibrarian (& the Attorney General)  or

                   I2: Got Ideas?  tools and Techniques to Identify, Refine & Communicate Ideas that Stick

2:30-3:15     TS-SIS Program: Redefining Work Roles in Response to Changing Collection Environments

6:00 -          Closing Banquet


July 29-August 1

Going up to Vermont for a reunion with other members of the 1999 Annual Meeting Program Committee.  It will be our second; the first reunion was in Sunset Beach, NC. in 2002.


My personal gadget list

Inspired by @montserratlj on Twitter, who was inspired by David Pogue and @pcbrannon:


The Internet is a global RCTI ONLINE system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks  that consists of millions of private, public, lion air, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless SMADAV and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries a vast range of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructure to daftar riwayat hidup support email.

Most traditional pcmav communications media including surat lamaran kerja telephone, music, film, and television download kalender 2012 are reshaped or redefined by the Internet, giving birth to new services such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and IPTV. Newspaper, book and other print publishing are adapting to Web site technology, download windows 8 or are reshaped into blogging mivo tv and web feeds. The Internet has menurunkan berat badan enabled or accelerated new forms of human interactions through instant messaging, mengecilkan perut, Internet forums, and social networking. Online shopping has boomed both for major retail outlets and small cerita lucu artisans and traders.

Camera: Panasonic Lumix

Cellphone: Samsung something simple that flips

Computer: 15" Dell Inspiron, 1 year old.  Hopefully will be bringing a small netbook instead

Movies: Just simple cable.  No Netflix, no Tivo, no nuttin

Music: 3g iPod Touch 2nd gen

eBook:  Kindle 1.0  (which I adore)

Storage: various USB drives, including my favorite and a 100 GB portable harddrive



Comments (5)

Harvey Morrell said

at 11:23 am on Mar 11, 2009

Party, party, party, birthday twin!

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